Media Arts

Assignment #1- David Hockney Photographic Collage
  • 20-30 images
  • Photos of a person or scene
  • Collage images together, recreating the person or scene
  • overlap or grid
  • create emphasis by altering some images in photo shop-change color, texture, effects (optional)

Assignment #2- Barbar Kruger Design
  • One+ design modeling Kruger- commentary on some social, political, personal issue or idea
  • One+ design advertising a product- positive or Kruger sarcasm
  • One+ design of image & text- text coming from song lyrics
  • AT LEAST one design collage by hand, then free to use photo shop

    Assignment #3- Abstract Photography

    • 2 photographs altered to black and white image
    • 1 group of 3-4 images taken in one "area", mounted....displayed as "can you guess the location?"
    • Create a triptych or quadtych series of any photos (set of 3 images, set of 4 images)
      altering colors for each image, similar to Warhol prints, (see below) mounted
    • Optional: matching triptych or quadtych of chosen photos, all altered paired with UN-altered
    • Any other experiments or printing of images you desire (this is encouraged, they turned out really great!)
