General Critique Guidelines

  • use VOCAB you've learned!
  • how is this piece successful or unsuccessful, based on the criteria of assignment given?
  • state specific things you like or dislike, and explain why
  • does this piece make you feel anything? what?
  • was the piece well made? high degree of technical, conceptual, and/or compositional skill?
  • does the work have any cultural significance? important or reflective of society in any way?

    Critique specifics:

    Description—List the objects or things you see in the artwork. Then, list the colors, shapes, lines and textures you see.

    Analysis—What is the first thing you notice when you look at the work of art? How has the artist organized the work by arranging the shapes, forms, lines, colors and textures to help you look at certain areas of the artwork? Do you see movement or patterns in the artwork?

    Interpretation—What is the work about? What mood or feeling seems to be ex-pressed in the artwork? What is the artist trying to tell you? Is there more than one meaning?

    Judgment—Did the artist succeed in creating an interesting work of art? What is your opinion of this work of art? What criteria can you use to determine whether a work of art is success-ful, other than asking yourself if you like it?